- Are you familiar with the delightful children's book by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond called If You Give A Mouse a Cookie? It's one of my youngest son's favorites (mine too). The basic premise is if you give a mouse a cookie, then he'll want a glass of milk, and if you give him a glass of milk, then..... it goes on and on. There are other books in the series: If You Give a Pig Pancakes, If You Take a Mouse to School. If you click the picture above, it'll link you to Barnes & Noble.com where you can learn more.
- So where am I going with this? That whole Mouse-Cookie think seems to parallel my life these days. A friend had noticed that I went a period of time without listing new items in my Etsy shop and I tried to explain why.
- With apologies to Ms. Numeroff and Ms. Bond, here's what happened.
- If you ask a question on the Etsy forum regarding fonts, Lisa is going to be interested.
- If Lisa reads the thread, she'll discover that there is a website called What the Font? where you can upload a scanned image of text and the site will attempt to identify the font.
- If Lisa visits What the Font, she'll see the web ad for sites from which you can download free fonts.
- If Lisa downloads free fonts, chances are she'll develop a fascination with one in particular and think, gee, this would look good on my Etsy banner.
- If Lisa decides to re-do her Etsy banner, she'll want to add photos of her jewelry, too, so it's back to the Etsy forum.
- If Lisa asks a question on the Etsy forum about how to stitch photos together, she'll receive answers with several different options.
- If Lisa cannot figure out how to do with one of her three photo editing programs already installed on her computer, she'll have to install a fourth.
- So she'll install GIMP, which someone mentioned on the Etry forum.
- If Lisa installs GIMP, she'll spend hours and hours resizing photos, learning about "layers" and developing a new Etsy banner. All because of a free font.
- Once Lisa creates and uploads a new Etsy banner, she'll decide that her blog needs a new banner. So she'll create one for that (see above - pretty, isn't it?)
- And if Lisa make a new blog banner, then she'll want one for her webpage, too.
- If Lisa makes a new banner for her webpage, she'll discover it doesn't coordinate well with the template she selected. So she'll have to pick a new template for her web page.
- That about covers a week. Such is the joy of adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- Did I mention that all of this was all because of a free font?
(For some reason, Blogger is not appreciating my hard paragraph breaks, hence the bulleted text.)